I'm based in Appleton, Wisconsin. I like to paint.
I also occasionally write about technological innovations that excite me. You can find that blog here: medium.com/awwsullivan. Social links in footer. Inquiries can be made via the contact form or by DM on X.
Back to painting.
"Adam Sullivan is my favorite artist, and honestly, I’m so jealous of him it’s unhealthy. His style? Divine. His techniques? Absolute sorcery. His talent? Probably borrowed from some ancient art god who regrets lending it out. Every time I see his work, my jaw doesn’t just drop — it detaches, rolls across the floor, and starts a new life in the corner. Meanwhile, I’m over here drawing stick figures that look like they’ve been through a paper shredder. It’s fine. I’m fine." - Pablo Picasso
An Abstract Artist's Artist Abstract:
I art.
You art.
We all art for fart.
Input enters my brain, output leaves my fingers.
- Ghostwritten by Luke Van Moorleghem